10 Best ways to Increase Cyber Company Security

There are many ways every business can do to improve their security without spending a dime - that's why there's no reason for being insecure!"

Many firms – especially start-ups and smaller companies aren’t inclined to research the condition of their cybersecurity because they fear they don’t have enough money to correct any issues they uncover,” says Anthony.

Of course, having an investment budget for improving your security in cyberspace is the best scenario. However, if the budget isn’t there, that doesn’t mean the business isn’t at risk of security chaos.

To assist businesses in taking control of their cybersecurity, FoxTech has created a list of ten methods to improve your company’s cyber security.

10 Best Ways to Increase Cyber Company Security

Use these professional tactics to strengthen the security of your online business and safeguard your data and reputation.

Ways to Increase Cyber Company Security

#1. Software updates

Installing software updates is among the easiest and most beneficial ways to increase online security. Updates contain fixes for security vulnerabilities and bugs found in previous software versions.

Software companies don’t fix problems in older software versions, and if you do not frequently update your software and patches, you’re vulnerable to hackers seeking to exploit these weaknesses.

Security experts make these updates with a purpose, and it’s an element of what you’re paying to purchase the software or device, and you should benefit from this.

It’s recommended to enable automatic updates and install any fixes when they are released. This applies to the operating system running on your device and any other third-party software you utilize for your business, like Windows. Windows suite.

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#2. Configure DMARC

Cyber Security FirmsDomain-based Message authentication reporting and Conformance (DMARC) is an email authentication, policy, and reporting procedure.

It is a way to identify fake emails (people who send an email on behalf of the domain), spam, Phishing, and fraudsters who use Phishing to provide companies with a second layer of protection from scam emails.

It’s easy to set up DMARC, and companies can set it up through a cybersecurity firm or a third party at a cost-effective price.

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#3. Inform your employees about Phishing

Cyber Network SecurityA study by the UK Department of Justice‘s Cyber Security Breaches surveys 2022 revealed that 83 percent of UK companies experienced at least one attempt at Phishing during the twelve months before the survey, making email phishing the most frequent type of cyber attack.

Employees are the primary protection against scams involving phishing scams. Therefore, ensure they know how to spot, identify, and report phishing email scams.

The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) offers no-cost cyber security education and an instructional course on identifying and reporting phishing scams.

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#4. Instil a no-blame culture

People who fear being punished for falling prey to an attack are less likely to report the attack. A no-blame culture will mean that when an employee clicks an untrue link, they are expected to feel secure enough to report the incident as soon as it occurs.

This means that your company will have the time to determine if it led to intruders gaining access to your system before the worst occurs, like the attacker finding sensitive information or launching a ransom request.

#5. Receive a free CyberRisk score

FoxTech provides a no-cost CyberRisk score for companies. It utilizes your company email address to find publicly accessible information regarding your company’s cyber security position, which shows organizations how their system appears to an adversary.

The security assessment pinpoints weaknesses to assist businesses in fixing the weaknesses before hackers can attack them.

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#6. Use a secure password hygiene

The NCSC recommends deactivating complexity requirements and mandatory password updates because they encourage the reuse of passwords and the use of common passwords (like password 1234!) The recommended method uses three random letters, such as glasscutter, plantbluewheel.

This is a way of creating a password that’s simple to remember while also being secure enough to keep hackers from being able to access your information.

#7. Use two-factor authentication

2-factor authentication (2FA) provides an additional security layer to your online accounts so that, even if passwords for your account are compromised, hackers cannot hack the account with the access only to the connected device.

Although some employees may view 2FA as an additional grueling process to sign in, it’s a highly efficient method of preventing the possibility of a breach of passwords.

It is possible to enable 2FA at no cost on Microsoft accounts, Google accounts, and Apple products.

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#8. Do not connect to unsecured Wi-Fi networks

Unsecured Wi-Fi networks are accessible without a password. They usually do not have security encryption, so hackers can use them to distribute malware on any connected device.

Businesses should inform their employees of the dangers of connecting to untrusted Wi-Fi networks that are public to them and take proper measures, for example, prohibiting practices like working from a mobile device.

#9. Create an emergency response plan for responding to an incident

In the United Kingdom Government’s Cyber Security Breaches Survey 2022, less than 19% of companies have an official incident response plan that spells out what they will do in the event of an attack.

In the absence of an incident reaction strategy, companies are not prepared to respond to a hack, and the resulting impact more severe and the recovery time longer.

Incident response plans also guarantee you’re following the law regarding educating customers about data theft. Learn more from the NCSC’s guidelines for creating incident response plans.

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#10. Don’t forget physical security

Attackers can exploit physical weaknesses by locking server rooms or affixing post-it notes with security passwords onto their gadgets, failing to destroy documents that contain sensitive information, or leaving company devices in public areas unsupervised.

Therefore, even though the typical hack may not depend on physical elements, no company should take traditional security guidelines for granted.

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